Monday, January 22, 2007

Come Into My Sleep

Who knows why I decided to start a blog. Seems everyone has something to say now days; or else, now they have a platform on which to say it from. I guess I just saw that it could be done easily, so I thought I'd do it.

I've seen others (even people I know) start the damn things, for reasons maybe even better than mine, and then not follow through with them. These words have the possibility of existing throughout the English-speaking world at large. What's the point of having a URL with nothing to say for it? It'd be like publishing a book with a cover, but pages with nothing on them. A blank book, so to speak, speaks volumes for its author(s).

So my New Years resolution to myself will be to keep this journal up to date. Whether or not I tell anyone immediately about it, or if I do (and then, whether or not they read it) at all, remains to be seen. I'd like it first to be at least moderately interesting before broadcasting it to my peers. I don't want them to think about me when I go, "he had nothing to say". I'd instead much rather them have found me memorable.

This will be, in a way, a chronicle. And much later, memories. And maybe, after everyone I know has gone into the afterlife; a time capsule.

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