Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I Miss America

As you may or may not know, the Miss Universe Competition has already come and gone. For anyone who didn't care to notice the spectacle flutter by (or if you're like me, didn't even know there was a Miss Universe Competition), I'll share with you now some of the highlights:

*Miss Japan won the coveted Miss Universe crown.

*Miss Sweden was removed from the competition by her own country for its supposedly collective view that the competition is degrading to women (I hope this doesn't mean an end to their massage therapists as well).

*Miss Mexico was forced to change her gown to a fruit & vegetable design after public outcry from the Mexican people that her former outfit consisting of a design depicting the Cristero war (a Roman Catholic rebellion in the 1920s), and a bullet studded holster were more disagreeable than, say, produce.

*Oh and, speaking of Mexico, Miss USA was booed mercilessly by the primarily Mexican crowd in Mexico City's National Auditorium. She also tripped and fell during the evening gown segment of the show; however, this wasn't when the crowd decided to chant "Mexico! Mexico!" over and over. It was during her question and answer session. Needless to say, the answers were never heard (for good or ill).

Apparently the crowd was "protesting" the United State's treatment of Mexican immigrants (and taking it out on poor Rachel Smith). Confused? Or does the civil unrest at the competition inspire you to take up arms against our country's ill treatment of our neighbors to the south as well? If you live anywhere near said neighbors as I, at times uneasily, do you'd scratch your head at such a display. Unless of course the protest was fired up by a group of strict, patriotic Mexican nationals whose anger was directed at the United States for its positive (or hands-off, rather) approach to their traitorous breathern, fleeing Mexico for greener pastures. How dare they. This, however, is not at all the case.

Is it the fact that there is now somewhere between 10 and 15 million illegal Mexican immigrants (who's counting? No really, who is?) living within our borders at this very moment? Or is it the new amnesty bill being championed by seemingly every politician, from the President on down, that would virtually make all of these "illegal" immigrants "legal" (no more illegal immigration problem, just take out the "ill" before the word "legal")? What could it possibly be? Why wasn't Miss Japan booed? Japan's border enforcement is akin to a maximum security prison during lockdown. It's nearly impossible to be illegal in that country, and their workforce is almost entirely Japanese. Virtually all of the countries included in the massive Miss Universe list are similarily tight when it comes to immigration. But why would a Mexican want to get work in Egypt anyway? So I guess, by default of proximity and opportunity (and despite these luxuries), the United States became Mexico City's whipping boy...of the entire Universe.

Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. Does that mean we can count all of the hecklers at the competition out as potential candidates for a green card? I hope so, 'cause it's getting mighty crowded up here.